
아이폰으로 윈도우 원격제어 하자 - 원격데스크톱

별제이 2010. 3. 25. 19:12

여기 환상적인 원격데스크톱 어플이 있다.

아이폰으로 언제든지 컴퓨터에 원격접속할 있다.



Jaadu Remote Desktop for Windows



유료 원격데스크톱 앱가운데가장 비싸지만($24.99) 값어치를 하는 녀석이라고 본다.


이제 아이폰으로 편하게 원격접속 하세요~ ㅎㅎ


이렇게 하면아이폰에서도 플래시를 있다는 거죠~

[아이폰에서 네이버의 플래시 광고를 보는 장면~]





Basic Controls

If you've ever used a laptop touchpad, you already know exactly how to use Jaadu!

Jaadu is essentially a touchpad interface over the entire screen of your iPhone / iPod touch device. This innovative interface makes it a breeze to control your computer, and is much easier to use than any competing interface out there.

The guide below explains how to perform common keyboard and mouse tasks such as clicking, scrolling, and typing when using Jaadu.

For a demonstration of these commands, watch our videos!


Jaadu Input



Double Click


Right Click

Tap with two fingers




Vertical Swipe with two fingers

Arrow Up/Down

Arrow Left/Right

(or horizontal swipe with two fingers)





(or press return on the iPhone keyboard)

Full Screen

Vertical swipe with three fingers


Vertical swipe with three fingers
(when in full screen mode)

Quick zoom

Tap with three fingers

Task switcher

Horizontal swipe with three fingers

Quick task switch

Horizontal swipe with four fingers

Show all open apps

Swipe down with four fingers

Show desktop

Swipe up with four fingers

Modifier Menu

The Modifier Menu allows quick and easy access to the standard keyboard modifier buttons:








Tapping a modifier button once will apply the selected modifier to the next key press only.

A double tap on any of the modifier buttons will change the icon's color to blue, and the selected modifier will remain active until the button is clicked again.

Remote Menu

The Remote Menu allows quick access to a number of standard keys not accessible through the iPhone keyboard, as well as a numeric keypad. Additionally, the Remote Menu provides shortcuts to common functions such as copy/paste, close, quit, and the web browser 'back' button.

To access the additional sets of buttons within the Remote Menu, click on the smaller arrows to the top or side (depending on iPhone orientation) of the main Remote Menu.